Very cold day out in the mountains ! It was -27 or so and the ice was very hard and bit brittle on the lower pitches but got much better the higher we got. It was my first day back out in the mountains from a rest period that I needed and I was feeling rested and weak. Mark lead the whole day as I was not feeling up to it.

Frozen Lake Louise, a nice walk across it.

A view from the trail of whats to come...

Almost at the bottom pitch. The first couple pitched were WI2 and ten a couple WI3 and the last couple WI4.

Beautiful day out there

Hi Mom.

We soloed the first pitch, well mark did I was having problems with my new crampons and very sore, weak calf's. Not to mention some screaming barfies( frozen hands)

The start of the WI3
Mark broke about an inch of his pick off at the bottom of this pitch. Hard ice and old picks not a good combo.
A look back down....
Waz up.......

Mark broke about an inch of his pick off at the bottom of this pitch. Hard ice and old picks not a good combo.

A look back down....

Waz up.......

Mark hanging out at the belay

This is Earl, the mountain goat. We named him
, he just looked like an Earl. He was about 30 feet from me when i came around a corner. He just looked at me, like what are you doing here?, hung out for a bit and off he when up the cliffs. Very cool!

This is Earl, the mountain goat. We named him

This was the walk back to the car across the lake after our epic decent of down climbing , lost tool, riped jacket and gaiters and a 40 meter rappel into the dark. Do the ropes touch the bottom??? yes they did. A great day out in the mountains with a good friend.