Friday, March 23, 2007

Mt. Hector Attempt 22/03/07

Me and Tim B. went for hector and found good times, high winds but no summit. Mind you we would have been able to see nothing up there as it was clouded in all day.
Tim tried with out ski's and found out the snow pack was deep.

Tim up through the rock bands.
Our first stop for food and drink.
A look around, this was as much sun as we got this day.

I lead the whole way but didn't mind. I'm a stronger skier than Tim so i paved the way.
Howz it brah dah !
And we are off after a brake.

Just about to crest the ridge to the glacier .. so we thought. It was another 2 Klms.
As you can see here. You should see the summit here but the clouds are blocking it. It is to the left of the rock ridge and about another 4 hours.
Fruit by the foot makes Tim go yum.

We we bailed on the summit due to weather and time for the ski out. With Tim being a newbie it would have been a hard ski out for him/us by head lamp so I dropped this cornus and another cliff and we skied out. Good times had by all.

Tim is in the pic below, can ya find him ?
Ok here he is. Above. Tim did really well for a guy who has only ski in the back counrty and 6 times at that. And me saying until later Hector, I'll be back.

Above first is the scoop and me dropping a cliff.