Well this was a day to remember!!! An American guy, I've lead WI5, nice new gear, I got one, done one, had one Guy. Failed to lead a 15m WI3, dropped his tool WITH leash, got Elvis, had know idea how to use double ropes, almost severed my rope. It gets better wait. Almost, could have dropped me from the top because he couldn't lead it, so I did. He had takin me off belay!!!! I had my Dasiy done up, call to be lowered ..... call again..... " your NOT on belay" comes from a climber on the climb 60 m to our left. What is "guy" doing? So I pull the ropes and yup not on belay. I shake my head, clear it up with him and down I came to give " guy" a tonge lashin about safety. "Guy" Said it was a style thing. My reply was " Safety is no style thing"....... and a bunch more. I was pissed off ! This "guy" took it so like.... so what ever it ws unreal. Again, he knew a way that a grand wizard ....To say the least "guy" and I didn't get along and the Robson trip I planned for 6 months, I canceled, on the spot. I have been looking at Wishbone or the big E. Ridge on Robson for this summer so I will go back with ????