Goodmorning! At the trailhead at... early. Going to David Thomson Motor Inn. A long and fat (lots of ice /thick) route of WI3. It just has a long approach up and over a ridge and up the otherside of the valley to the base of the climb.
Beautiful morning on Yamnuska! Got to love the contrast. I made it to the bottom of the right hand ridgeline and saw our day and thought.... I work tommorro, I worked yesterday, I'm way to burnt for this one right now.
But we got some great views in the morning sunlight. This is me.

Beautiful morning on Yamnuska! Got to love the contrast. I made it to the bottom of the right hand ridgeline and saw our day and thought.... I work tommorro, I worked yesterday, I'm way to burnt for this one right now.

But we got some great views in the morning sunlight. This is me.

We decided to go to Haffner Creek instead. Where am I pointing????
Maybe Haffner??
At Haffner
now, finally.

At Haffner