Ahnah in the
backgound behind and between us and I

off to climb The Twins... So we thought.
The North Bowl of Andromeda.
Ahanh pulling sled with ease on the flat
tongue of the Athabasca glacier.
Ahnah slept at the foot of the tent, as usual.

She also stole Chris and Lisa's sausage, little thief.

A few parties of
ACC'ers passed by in the morning. We were less motivated than these folks.

Morning Chris.



Avy's started pouring off Little Snow Dome

just as we were getting on our way. The camp was far from danger.
Ahanh wanting to get going..?


This is a good sequence of two

WoW !
Ahnah did very well on the flats and slight inclines but she had problems with the steeper parts. Many with the switch backs sharp turns.

Snow Dome's Ice Cliff you passed on route to the head wall that leads to the Columbia Ice field proper


Don't hang out here.

Clear of the Ice Cliff we stopped for a moment. You can see the switch backs that make up the trail up the Head Wall. I turned back at the bottom of the first turn you can see. The dog was over packed, My boots were not very good for skiing, I was in plastic mountaineering boots, and they gave me a large blister for the first time. Never skied in them before. I was frustrated with my lack of fore site, I had not planned the trip as well as I could have. The dog was working to hard for my liking and over all I was just not in a great space to make any contribution to the "team" in my funk. A learning
experience for sure.

This is
Ahnah passing under the Ice Cliff after me, about 5 minutes before

this happened....
You can see her
in the fore ground on the path. The little black dot.

It was a large chunk of ice with the
avy lasting for a bit and cleared the path we were just on. You can see that
Ahnah is almost to where I was standing by the time it started to clear.
The rest was straight forward so no pic's but I had to haul both the sled and my bag up the last hill to the Snow Coach parking lot and it had no snow on it ! Sucked! Over all a learning experience for me.